Pactflow was created to solve the problem of integration testing microservices at scale. Developers and testers can write simple, isolated unit tests for each integration in their application and generate API contracts that are guaranteed to be up-to-date with their code, ensuring all dependencies are always compatible.
Serverless architectures introduce new challenges to testing - more components, multiple languages and frameworks, plus vendor specific products such as Kinesis. Pactflow reduces this complexity by allowing you to focus on the messages exchanged between them and ensure the entire system is compatible at build time.
Design your API and OpenAPI and ensure continuous compliance with the specification. Get feedback on how consumers are using your API, enabling you to safely evolve your service over time.
Deploy often, deploy with confidence. Integrate Pactflow into your continuous delivery pipeline via our CLI, Docker image or API, and reduce the time it takes to ship code into production.
Prevent breaking API changes and guarantee backwards compatibility with Pactflow’s automation workflow. Pactflow tracks the interactions and changes between your applications and knows which components are compatible and when and where they can be deployed.
Find integration issues before you push code, with Pact or Spring Cloud contract testing. Our unique automation workflow enables independent teams to collaborate without the headaches of issues being discovered during systems integration test phases, saving you time, money and improves your time-to-market.