PactFlow is now part of API Hub: Unify contract testing with API design workflows for seamless collaboration and quality >>
Hypermedia based APIs are becoming much more prevalent as the format used for web application APIs. We use HAL for our APIs here at Pactflow, and the Pact Broker has been using HAL
7 min read
Pact evolved from two main concepts: unit testing micro-service integrations and Consumer Driven Contracts (CDC). Consumer Driven has always been a big driver for us, as we felt it has a lot of
4 min read
One of the challengers we face when verifying our Pacts against a provider is the situation where we have no control over some of the data the provider returns. Typical examples of this
5 min read
Like a lot of things in life, Consumer Driven Contract Testing is awesome until it isn't. And when testing with frameworks like Pact, things become tricky when you have to deal with dynamic
2 min read